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Jeannine Saulnier teaches at the following locations:


166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6


Tel: (902) 457-6788



Jeannine teaches yoga on


Mondays at 12 pm -1:15 pm

Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am

Friday mornings at 9:30 am


at Grace Lutheran Church

location: 40 Caldwell Road, Cole Harbour, NS


Class fee is $10.00 cash.




Private sessions are available, please contact Jeannine for more information

Jeannine's classes include: centering, a warm-up, asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), relaxation techniques, meditation practice, and yoga philosophy.


These sessions are invigorating to the body and mind, and develops a sense of inner connection and calmness, leading to inner peace.



Next workshops with Jeannine are:


Ayurveda Workshop - To be dertermined


Ayurveda workshop

I will give a talk on Ayurveda, we will do a fun quiz, I will have handouts for everyone and we'll also do asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (a breathing practice), and a guided relaxation and meditation.






Yoga Workshop - To be rescheduled


DEEPEN YOUR PRACTICE by Understanding and Applying

the 8 Limbs of Yoga with Jeannine Saulnier

Location:  Mount saint Vincent University


Price: $30.00


Learn the 8 Limbs of Yoga and how to incorporate these into your life.


The first two Limbs are the Yamas and Niyamas, which allow us to be at peace with ourselves, our family and our community.


  • Yamas: restraints - things not to do

  • Niyamas: observances - things to do


The next couple of Limbs focus on the physical practice of yoga:

  • Asana: yoga postures

  • Pranayama: breathing practices (developing the movement of prana, our life force)


The final four Limbs focus on our internal state:

  • Pratyahara: withdrawal from the senses (drawing one's attention inwards, toward silence rather than toward things)

  • Dharana: intense focus, cultivating awareness

  • Dhyana: state of meditation

  • Samadhi: State of oneness (union with the Divine).


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